Sept 9th LPC Board Meeting Outcome

Kathleen Mills of

Another LPC Board meeting in the books and here's a brief recap regarding their handling of the proposed ce rules changes.

Sept 9 LPC Board Meeting

  • The board added "supervisors" to the Approved Providers list.
  • The board added "hospitals and hospital systems" to the Approved Providers list.
  • The board spent a cumulative 15 minutes discussing the jurisprudence exam and whether it should be optional or not.
  • The more controversial Cultural Diversity issue was not raised or discussed despite written opposition and requests to do so.
  • Required regulations that are seemingly not being followed was not brought up by any board member for discussion.
  • The Board passed the proposed ce rules changes sending it back to BHEC for final approval.
  • Board member Hallbauer and BHEC's ED Spinks stressed that "the system is working".

I agree that it is better than what we had under DSHS but simply moving an unnecessary (remind me what problem this proposal is supposedly addressing?) rule change back and forth between a board and the council a few times doesn't make it a good idea no matter how much paint you put on it.

Thank you to everyone who submitted written comments and the two LPC's that gave oral comment against the measure during the meeting.

What's Next?

I'm not sure. The fact that the Council is staffed with the same members that have already voted to pass this thing in their respective Boards doesn't foster a lot of faith, for me, in the checks and balances in this system.

We'll still submit written comment for the BHEC Council meeting and ask you to do the same to get our positions on record if nothing else. More on that next week.

Plan Smart. Be Safe. Serve Others.

Kathleen Mills, LPC-S, CEAP

The Counseling Landscape Workshop Series | PracticeMentors

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The Counseling Landscape Workshop Series

The Counseling Landscape Workshop Series Everything we teach is based around The Counseling Landscape. That’s the body of information you need to know in order to run a successful practice, a lot of which is required by BHEC. Completing this series of workshops will put you in the top 5% of all mental health counselors trying to run a practice today and it will put you on a firm, safe foundation. Oh, and each…

About Kathleen Mills

Kathleen Mills is a fire-breathing, 30+ year veteran of the counseling world. A tireless warrior for the profession, her goal with is to bullet-proof the counseling profession so that what happened to her doesn't happen to you!

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