Michigan Retreat Summer 2021 Feedback

This Week's Poll
We just wrapped up our very first Michigan Retreat and I'm wracking my brain all morning trying to figure out how this could have gone any better; how am I going to top this next time? Fortunately for me what made this get-away event such a success were the people who made the effort, the attendees. They were the success!
Michigan Retreat Summer 2021 Feedback
I promised you last week to add more fuel to my argument about Associate practice ownership but for two reasons I'd like to take a little detour this week. One, I'm not quite finished with that promised post and, two, the feedback we got from the attendees has put such joy in my heart that I want to share some of the Michigan Retreat Summer 2021 Feedback with you right now. Phillip and I are already planning the next one and I hope you'll decide to come along with us next time.
Kelly Coutee LPC, LMFT, RN
"All subject matter was pertinent/relevant to important matters impacting the psychotherapy practice of today. Great idea to meet as a group (via Zoom) prior to attending the retreat to establish each participants' wants and needs (for the event's workbook agenda)."
"I enjoyed the loose structure of presentation which allowed for an organic structure to emerge according to the needs of the participants."
"I loved the venue! (The River House) It encouraged bonding, building trust, and open sharing amongst peers, creating a safe environment to explore all controversial subjects. Processing (of discussion content) continued beyond the structured "classroom" time."
"The field has been in need of these collective teachings for decades. Thank you Kathleen & Phillip for creating the map for this treacherous terrain."
"A very organized, systematic and effective way to present the complexities of running the business of a private practice today."
"This is an experiential workshop event, creating a safe space to explore controversial issues affecting society that are changing the dynamics of what clinicians see in our practices. The workshop also offers a plethora of information about current changes on the State and Federal levels affecting our licenses."
"In addition, the workshop creates a safe space to retreat, rest, be nurtured and emerge feeling renewed. It was worth the price of admission and I'm blessed to have been a part of this vital event. This has been an awesome experience. Thank you Kathleen!!"
Traci Koens, LPC-S, RPT-S
"The times we are living in are so different than before the pandemic."
"I enjoyed the information presented and appreciated the bold and honest truth being presented. It encourages therapists to think and do for themselves and their practices."
"I appreciate how the information (in The Counseling Landscape) keeps up with the changing times and is presented in a systematic way. (The PracticeMentors.us Academy) is well organized and thought out with years of experience combined with research! A great opportunity to obtain CEU's, knowing it's up-to-date and usable."
"Participating in the PracticeMentors Summer Retreat has been the highlight of my professional journey this year! Meeting other professionals in a relaxed and informative environment has been more than I expected. Kathleen's hospitality and leadership during the retreat was restorative and enlightening."
Lee Tipton, LPC, RN
"Timely opportunity to address professional issues that I've been not able to study and understand on my own. Was very drawn in by the experiential and small group environment and I felt welcomed to offer my thoughts and disclose feelings in a setting in which I felt safe."
"Much more comfortable to get to know the presenter, eating and sleeping under the same roof as other attendees. Meeting and communing under one roof allowed me to focus more on the event."
"The diagrammed organization of information (The Counseling Landscape) is a style that agrees with the way I learn. I really had little concept of BHEC and how it's related to LPC regulations and my license."
"(The PracticeMentors Academy) is a leader in contemporary legal and professional issues, making it easier to digest, and help me stay abreast of my profession."
"Kathleen and Phillip are the Yin and Yang of therapy practice, aspects of running one efficiently, and and getting the most enjoyment out of it."
Hope to see you on the next PracticeMentors Retreat!
Plan Smart. Be Safe. Serve Others.
Kathleen Mills, LPC-S, CEAP
Got An Opinion?
This post is my opinion based on my almost 30 year practice as a mental health provider. Whether you agree or disagree, please feel free to leave your civil, constructive comments below. You must be a registered user and logged in to leave a comment.
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