How to Make It Easy for Clients to Find an Equally Yoked Counselor

This Week's Poll
For purposes of this post, there are three main groups of people out there. One thinks there are some highly unusual things going on that "the authorities" are not being totally honest with us about. Another group adamantly believes what they're being told on TV and thinks the first group is crazy for questioning authority. That third group typically focuses only on the day-to-day tasks that directly impact their world. I think that's fair, and kind. It's the first group, and how we can help them find an equally yoked counselor that I want to talk about today.
What I See Happening
My gut tells me that first-wave group is growing rapidly, fed by converts from the second group that are finally connecting the dots. The tsunami wave of clients I talked about last week is only going to get larger as more and more people understand what's really going on and need to talk about it.
They're cautious, they're wounded, and frankly they're a bit gun-shy. When you question the status quo you get labelled and called all kinds of things, and that group has heard it all in the past two years. That means that being "the first available counselor" isn't good enough anymore.
Why Is It Important to Find an Equally Yoked Counselor?
These people need a safe counselor with whom they can talk. Yes, I'm expanding the traditional definition of "safe" in the counseling world. The last thing a client needs is to bare his soul to a professional who holds a different view of world events than he/she does. I'm questioning two things:
- Whether there's enough "safe" counselors out there right now for the incoming clients with this need, and...
- How in the world these potential clients can tell the like-minded counselors from the rest.
Here's what I'm doing about it in my little corner of the world.
My Personal Solution
I want those first-wavers who may wish to utilize my services to understand that they're on friendly, safe turf when they come to see me. I'm leaving little clues on my business website, a bread-crumb trail of safety, to let people know that I, too, feel what they're feeling and I'm experiencing some of what they are going through.
- I'm making specific book recommendations.
- I'm giving them website resource links.
- I'm giving them audios in which I talk about doing their own critical thinking.
- And I'm linking to blog posts I've done so they can get a really good glimpse into what I'm thinking about the world today. (No blog posts of your own? Feel free to link to mine!)
From those clues they can readily determine my mindset. I want them to know that when they come into see me, if "current events" is something they need to talk about, well I'm as up on that stuff as anyone else they're going to find and, honey, we can talk! But only if they want to, and only if they bring it up.
That's what I'm doing to make it easier for my future clients to discern the type of experience they'll have with me in light of current events, and put them at ease. Is it working? My clients are voluntarily informing me that it is! I'd love to hear in the Comments section below what you're experience with this special group of clients has been and how you're dealing with it.
Plan Smart. Be Safe. Serve Others.
Kathleen Mills, LPC-S, CEAP
Got An Opinion?
These posts are my beliefs based on my a) 32 years of practice as a mental health provider and b) my own research. Whether you agree or disagree, please feel free to leave your civil, constructive comments below. I try very hard to back up my liberty-based statements with my own experience and/or verifiable facts and I would ask you to do the same. You do not need to be logged in to leave a comment.
The Counseling Landscape Workshop Series
The Counseling Landscape Workshop Series Everything we teach is based around The Counseling Landscape. That’s the body of information you need to know in order to run a successful practice, a lot of which is required by BHEC. Completing this series of workshops will put you in the top 5% of all mental health counselors trying to run a practice today and it will put you on a firm, safe foundation. Oh, and each…
You and I are very like-minded. I recently took an online course in how to design a website. Now the trick is to find the time to follow through with it. (I may still end up needing to hire it out.) I like this idea of including “who” I am (which way I lean) on my site. Without a website, what I currently do is offer a free phone consultation. I wanna learn what they are needing help with first & to determine if I believe we would be a good fit for each other. I tell them this is their opportunity to ask me ANY questions they may have. I say that it’s important especially these days to know the thoughts & beliefs of people who are going to be speaking into your life. I say that I would want to know this if I was going to get counseling from someone , so I offer to my clients exactly what I would like to get if I was searching to hire a counselor. What surprises me is that no one ever “goes there” with their questions.
But during counseling sessions, when my clients do go there, the clients who are like-minded like you & I are really relieved & empowered both to be able to discuss these last few years with a professional who is on the same side of the aisle as they are. Personally, I see/hear so many therapists in my area who are on the woke side, & I’m starting to wonder if I’m in the smaller minority group. Or maybe we are just so busy keeping our heads down, taking care of business, not drinking the koolaid, & not screaming like the other side of the aisle is doing.
I appreciate you, Kathleen, & your blogs & your voice. Stay strong.
Thank you Gina, for your kind words. I appreciate your support and how you are making an impact on the clients you are serving every day.