Welcome to The Academy!
The Academy is a growing collection of free and curated content created specifically for supervisors who want to raise the bar on associate education. It's that simple. It exists because a lack of quality supervisor training in the state of TX is affording us the opportunity to put the advanced class together and that's what we've done.
Membership in The Academy is granted only to those supervisors who have completed one of our primary workshops. Different levels of achievement and recognition on The Wall of Excellence may be obtained by attending a specific series of additional workshops. And that's just a couple of the ways supervisors benefit.
What About the Associates? How do They Benefit?
Glad you asked! Getting started in any profession is tough. The pressure is intense, money is tight, and there aren't enough hours in the day to get it all done. So here's what we're doing for the associates.
We teach something we call, The Counseling Landscape; an overview of every topic a licensed counselor needs to be well-versed in regardless of the form your practice takes. Regular site visitors pay for our offerings on a per course or per workshop basis. To keep the cost of post-grad school "apprenticeship" under control we've created a subscription program exclusively for verified associates.
If you're already an official, "Mentor", then you're ready to avail yourself of the content library we've assembled for you. It's there to help you train your associates as they become our next generation of mental health professionals. So log in so the system recognizes you then head on over to The Prize Closet and enjoy!