Speaking Engagement Guidelines


Subject Matter

We will gladly speak on topics in which we consider ourselves expert. Let's talk.

Our Availability

  1. We prefer to book events 45-60+ days out. This allows sufficient time to plan and produce the needed presentation materials, as well as adequate promotion time for your event.
  2. Booking dates with less than a 45 day window will incur an additional 20% charge to cover the costs associated with last-minute preparation.

Event Requirements

  1. You must have a minimum attendance of 10 registrants.
  2. We will provide a bio/introduction for Kathleen Mills, and require that it be used for her introduction.
  3. The venue will make available any audio/visual equipment required for our presentation. Typically this amounts to an overhead projector and a screen, as well as the PA system.

Event Materials/Permissions

  1. PMI will produce its own presentation and handout materials and is solely responsible for their cost.
  2. PMI will be allowed to record KM's segment(s) (audio/video). Any costs associated with this are to be borne by PMI.
  3. Permission is granted to the PMI organization to utilize that material in any reasonable manner on our website(s) and any and all other internet properties belonging to PMI.


  1. We require a digital copy of the events' sign-up list, including their names and email addresses, prior to the start of the event.
  2. Other than the PMI compensation agreed upon, and the potential costs mentioned in "Event Materials/Permissions" above, all costs associated with your event are to be borne by you unless otherwise negotiated.

Local Events

  1. Local events are defined as those being held within the DFW Metroplex proper. Our speaking fees for "local" events are billed on an hourly basis.
  • 1-4 Hours:  $350/hr
  • 6 Hour Block (Full Day):  $275/hr

Non-Local Events

  1. Non-Local Events are those defined as being held outside of the DFW Metroplex proper. Our speaking fees for "local" events are billed on an hourly basis.
  • 1-4 Hours:  $275/hr  plus travel expenses as applicable.
  • 6 Hour Block (Full Day):  $250/hr  plus travel expenses as applicable.

Event Promotion: List/Community Access

  1. Happy to promote your event to my community as long as my involvement in your event is promoted to your group as well.
  2. I will not spam my community. Materials you provide us for distribution to our community must contain material of immediate value to our community.
  3. We reserve the right of approval/refusal of all material distributed to our community, much as we expect you to exercise the same privilege towards yours.
  4. You must promote KM in pre-event marketing materials using her image and provided bio, including any links in the bio.
  5. We must be allowed to promote our programs, materials, and podcast show in a non-commercial manner during the live event.

Request A Speaker

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY