Hi, I'm Kathleen Mills, Licensed Professional Counselor, Supervisor, CEAP, entrepreneur, wife, mom, and a half-dozen additional titles. I'm busy, just like you are, and I'd like to share my story with you so that what happened to me won't happen to you.
What you and I learned in school about our profession was only a small part of what you need to know as a counselor, whether you run a small group practice, work as an independent, or as an on-staff employee for a hospital, government agency, or other form of counseling provider. To operate a compliant practice with a maximum degree of built-in defenses for you, your family, and your livelihood, you need a structured, purposeful Continuing Education Program in place. I found that out the hard way; you don't have to.
Feel free to drop me a line anytime, and I'll look forward to meeting you sometime soon!
The Kathleen Mills Story
Step 1 Recap
Well, now you know my story. More importantly, you now know what could happen to you and your family. Let me be brutally blunt here because everything you have is at stake.
You have two choices:
- Await the next email and read The Professional Counseling Report that we've put together for you. Learn from it and begin to build your practice defenses and minimize the probabilities that what happened to me will be visited upon you and your house. Or,...
- Or, you can find some way to rationalize why my experience could never happen to you. While I will admit my experience was extreme, if only 1/10th of it happened to you I can assure you that it would still bring you to your knees.
I've already implemented all of the procedures you'll be reading about in the next email, in my practice; I'm doing this for you! I'd love to become fast-friends with you and help you secure your practice, but that will be your decision alone. Watch your Inbox for the next email and let's talk soon.