Q: What is Practice Mentors?
A: Practice Mentors is a logical extension of what I've been doing with the other counselors in my own practice for more than 20 years now. You can read a little bit about that on my About page.
Q: Why did you start Practice Mentors?
A: The sum of my own private practice experiences with my counselors, and the almost unbelievable experiences I had from 2009-2014, compelled me to want to teach a larger audience how to avoid what I went through.
Q: What is the objective of Practice Mentors?
A: In a nutshell, the overall objective is to teach you how to: Protect, Equip, and Defend yourself, your possessions, your family, and your practice from those that would do you great harm in those areas.
Q: Who is your target market(s)?
A: There are three target groups on whom we focus, but everyone is welcome. Those groups are: Students/Grad Students, Interns and 2nd Career Counselors, and Private Practice Counselors.
Q: I don't fall into any of your target market groups, I'm employed as a (counselor, etc). Is there anything here for me?
A: Absolutely! We never know what tomorrow brings and the days of 30-40 year careers working for the same company are gone. Arming yourself with the material we offer will put you in a much better place should you make a change and find yourself in one of our targeted groups. Dig the well before you need the water.
Q: Is your information free or does it cost money?
A: Both! Our podcast show is and will always be free. We offer some free events, some paid, and offer a growing number of products & services in, "The Store", our ecommerce area.
Q: Does your information apply only to Texas counselors?
A: Because we live and work in Texas, our initial and primary focus is Texas counselors, but the information we teach is valuable for any counselor in any state as a stimulus to seek out the correlating information for that counselor's state. We do have plans to expand into other states, in greater detail!